Response to An Bhfuil Tú Dáiríre?
This is my response to Caoimhin De Barra’s An Bhfuil Tú Dáiríre? video. I’ll start by making a couple of general observations, then I’ll get into specifics. I’d first note the discourtesy of Caoimhin using material from our video without asking permission. We would have given permission had it been asked. But it should have been asked.
Also, throughout his video, Caoimhin repeatedly emphasises that various points raised in my video have been made by others before me. I’m not sure why this is so important to him. I can only say that I’d personally never heard anyone make the vast majority of those points before. I wouldn’t have bothered making the video if I thought I was simply retreading old ground.
But, even if I had, even if some of the arguments I made have been made before, so what? What’s important is whether they have merit or not. Read the rest of this entry »