Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

Published: Irish Tatler, Winter 2016

Oh, shut up

shhh edit
Are you bored with social media? Are you fed up with the narcissists, over-sharers and keyboard warriors who populate your online feeds? The self-promoters who can’t break wind without tweeting to congratulate themselves? Well, I may have found a solution.

Oh, Shut Up! is an exciting new app I’ve just developed. Simply download it to your laptop, tablet or mobile device and, whenever anyone you know posts anything, on any social media platform, it will simply reply “Oh, shut up” on your behalf, leaving you free to go windsurfing, horse-riding and all that other fun stuff you’ve seen on tampon commercials. Read the rest of this entry »

New work

I have a rather lengthy piece about driving, aimlessly, around Georgia and Alabama this summer in the brand new edition of the Dublin Review. It’s available to purchase in bookshops and online.