Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Miscellaneous Amusing Items I Come Across #53

Seriously, how out of shape do you need to be before even the darts community starts taking pot shots? Might be time to start rethinking those lifestyle choices, dude…

March 8th, 2011.

3 Responses to “Miscellaneous Amusing Items I Come Across #53”

  1. GumballyAlley Says:

    He used to be a baker before he hit the BIG time.
    also his signature tune is Weird Als “Eat It”

  2. Phil "The Fatarse" Taylor Says:

    Obviously you know nothin of my career Eoin!!

  3. Eoin Says:

    @ Gumball – Well, I live and learn.

    @ Phil The Fatarse – 🙂

    Incidentally, I was out with some friends last night who suggested Pieman might be a corruption of Pi-man i.e. in addition to darts prowess maybe he can also recite pi to a couple of thousand places!

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