Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


“Yeah right. Last Irish box you saw the inside of had a number 5 on the lid…”

Went through the Magic Door, did he?

We both crease ourselves laughing.

“Special offer at Saver’s Supermarket, wha?” Read the rest of this article here.

March 11th, 2011.

10 Responses to ““Yeah right. Last Irish box you saw the inside of had a number 5 on the lid…””

  1. Jonathan M Says:

    Lol but did this really get published Lion bar cock and all?

  2. Eoin Says:

    This version is slightly saltier than what appear in the paper Jonathan!

  3. Jonathan M Says:

    “Slightly saltier” is one way of putting it.

  4. Captain Piranha Says:

    My new favourite one of theese!

  5. laura Says:

    Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

  6. Eoin Says:

    @ Laura – ?

  7. Jennifer Says:

    Can I ask what the less salty version of this article consists of? Is it a blank page?

  8. Eoin Says:

    @ Jennifer – Pretty much, yeah! 🙂

  9. Ger Says:

    I recognise that snail!!

  10. Eoin Says:

    @ Ger – yes, its one of the ones from Gregory Grainnoig.

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