Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge



jose-mourinho_1218950c Yo, I’m in Portugal on a junket until Sunday next. I’m bringing my laptop and have been made some (not entirely convincing) promises about internet access at the hotel. If that doesn’t materialise then the blog is likely to be fairly quiet in the mean time (unless of course this Ben guy continues wielding the righteous sword of truth in the comments section.) Anyway, the week promises to be a Special One. Oh and Elisa, my phone was out of power. I only got your message now. Miss you already darlin’.

May 5th, 2009.

6 Responses to “FOR ME IS IMPORTANT”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Are you interviewing Jose Mourinho???

  2. Rick Says:

    Tell him hes gotta come back to premiership NOW!!

  3. Eoin Says:

    Not meeting Mourinho unfortunately – it was very late and I needed an image that said Portugal. It was between him and Madeline McCann…

  4. El Kid Says:

    What about a photo of madaline updated to show what she would look like if tabloid journalists messed around with her image on photoshop?

  5. Brian Says:

    I’m staying in Residencial Aviz in Porto in about 6 weeks. Any chance of checking out the brekkie for me?

  6. Eoin Says:

    Hey Brian, yeah iºd recommend the continental breakfast, croissants are the business, orange juice might have been a pulpy. Anything else?


    P.S Sorry i took a while getting back to you, it was an eight hour round bus journey.

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