Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge



There’s no nice way to go, is there? The meek might take some comfort from the prospect of dying peacefully in their sleep. The vainglorious might dream of dying on the battlefield, fighting for some noble cause. But the vast majority of us would be much better pleased with a nice cup of tea and sit down if it was all the same to you.

And yet we’ve all got to die sometime. If it be now, ‘tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, then perhaps tomorrow evening when you’re texting your friend Tracey about French homework. “The readiness is all,” Shakespeare concluded.

For these poor bastards, though, the old readiness just wasn’t their strongest suit: Read the rest of this article.

July 3rd, 2009.

5 Responses to “IGNOMINIOUS ENDS”

  1. massey Says:

    Needs David Carradine paragraph. What happened to the guy? though he knew karate!!!

  2. Eoin Says:

    Yeah Massey, and I’m supposed to take advice from someone who’s called himself after a tractor?

  3. fintan mezz Says:

    Breaking news in the last hour

  4. Phogg Says:

    Butler with stories like these accompanied by the odd Shakespeare quote you must be the toast of any dinner party.

  5. Eoin Says:

    I *am* the toast of any dinner party, Phogg. Invite to your house and I’ll prove it!

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