Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


You’ve just made me vomit in my own mouth, Gary Neville

As a neutral, I’m glad the title race is back on. But this was just uncalled for.

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #32

better broken irish than clever english
“Better broken Irish than clever English…” Not since the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, who decreed that ‘the impulse to destroy is also a creative impulse’, have I come across any activist stupid enough to highlight precisely the weakest strand in their own argument and turn it into a catchy slogan.

Admin Blues

admin blues
I may appear polite, even deferential, to the spineless jobsworths who populate my workplace. But I despise them, and I despise their petty politics. Their meaningless office-speak is this company’s unofficial vernacular. Mastery of that, as well as an ability to smile like a simpleton in any situation, is what passes for professionalism around here. The head of my department is particularly fluent:

“With er… regard to the salary review you were promised, as such, we are presently not in a position to implement any… increases, as such, going forward… at this time.”

Days later I catch him pouring vodka into a vase in his office. I don’t tell anyone. But I make a conscious decision to do a lot more dossing, going forward.Read the rest of this article here.

Published: The Dubliner, 15 April 2010

“My personal preference would have been for a campaign of violent retribution, loosely modelled on the plot of the motion picture Rambo: First Blood

rambo first blood
I have a beef with Dublin Street Parking Services. Actually, I have several beefs. For starters, what array of “services” do these quasi-paramilitary zealots actually provide? I mean, have you ever tried flagging them down, explaining that parallel parking isn’t exactly your forte and asking them to do the honours?

No, DSPS are clampers. That’s the only “service” they provide. Read the rest of this entry »

Faith Alive

Disco Supper
1. Jesus Christ: kind of a dick.

2. Who says Muslims don’t have a sense of humour?

3. Pope on the ropes… Et tu, Ringo? Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

Why was the scarecrow awarded a Nobel prize? Read the rest of this entry »

Record Store Day – April 17 2010

And slowly answered Arthur from the barge:
“The old order changeth, yielding place to new,
And God fulfils Himself in many ways,
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”

– Morte d’Arthur (Tennyson) Read the rest of this entry »

Those last minute Leaving Cert revision tips in brief…

examThe countdown to Leaving Cert 2010 is almost at an end. When 138,000 nervous students sit down for their first examination at 9.30pm on June 6th, they’ll know their chances of securing a coveted university place, well-paid job, desirable home, attractive sexual partner and prospect of siring anything other than ugly, unintelligent children depend entirely on how they perform in the weeks ahead. Read the rest of this article.

Well, I’ll be a son of a gun!

Spotted John Rocha on Exchequer Street, Saturday morning. He was wearing clogs and holding an enormous cigarette holder. Someone told me RTE are doing a countdown of the all-time greatest Irishmen. Well, I’m gutted J.R. didn’t make the cut. Because we are nation of chancers and bullshit artists. And this guy is beating us at our own game. Read the rest of this entry »

Weekend 2

B’ah. I’ve worked on stupid articles all weekend and missed most of the sun. So, weather permitting, I’ve decided to make Monday and Tuesday my alternative weekend. Activities may include (but are not limited to) ice cream-eating, stone-into-pond throwing, dog-befriending and unabashed sandal wearing.

Any of my friends currently unemployed, or willing to call into work sick, are more than welcome to join me. It’s going to be a regular jaunt. Yeah, I’m gonna make the real weekend look bunch of amateurs.