Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #30

unpretentious simplicity
Recent status update from someone I’m friends with on Facebook (who I sincerely hope doesn’t read this blog!) Well it gave me a good old chuckle anyway…

I’m a bit surprised to be referred to as “you people”… Isn’t that rather condescending?

mat fraser - CopyRead the rest of this article here.

BBC Panorama LSD experiment 1955

In one of the most famous unbroadcast television programmes of all time, the very jolly Christopher Mayhew MP ingests 400mg of mescaline hydrochloride for the cameras. The documentary, ultimately, didn’t see the light of day for over thirty years.

Incidentally, this footage is spoofed hilariously in this segment from The Day Today (see after the jump), in which Alan Partridge is filmed being “fellated by a young girl, known as a ‘groupie’..” Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #29

fox news
All the time Fox News, all the time…

If straight men and gay women have one thing in common, I think, it’s that we both detest shopping…

Well, no. If straight men and gay women have one thing is common… it’s something else entirely. But if we have a second thing in common, its that we both detest shopping. Read the rest of this article here.

“We’ve got a connection with this place called Ireland. But that country doesn’t exist anymore…”

old firm
Have you seen the film The Departed ? That’s what Coatbridge is like. It’s almost like we’ve stepped out of a time capsule. Ireland has moved on and we’re left with this leprechaun culture. Read the rest of this article here.

Don’t Explain (1944)

No, nay, never… freckle-boy

Andy and Conan
In the late 1990s Amy Poehler was a sketch regular on Late Night With Conan O’Brien, playing sidekick Andy Richter’s little sister Stacy. The genius of this bit was that it basically recycled the same routine over and over again, but somehow never stopped being funny. Read the rest of this entry »

They called it ‘perhaps the most shameful night in our community’s history…’

But what about that time the handicapped boy was locked in a phone box and he pissed himself? What about then?? Read the rest of this article here.

Just Call Me Betty

Tell me if this is weird or not… A week on, Crystal Swing’s raunchy He Drinks Tequila is still playing on a constant rotation in my head. Stranger still, when I hum the song to myself, and it comes to the ‘And just call me baby’ line… for some reason I keep singing ‘And just call me Betty.’ Even though I know those aren’t the words. Read into that what you will, Mr Freud! Read the rest of this entry »