Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


“You are poison! You’re dead to us.”

Back in the mid-1990s, Q magazine gave Naomi Campbell’s Babywoman album a devastatingly succinct two word review: Gobsmacking hubris. If the supermodel’s hubris was ‘gobsmacking’, then the delusional folly of former Democratic Vice Presidentialial candidate John Edwards’ during the 2008 presidential race is Shakespearean in scope. Read the rest of this entry »

Wayne Coyne Battles the Bad Buzz Robots

wayne coyne
Electric Picnic 2005. I had only a couple of minutes notice I’d be talking to Wayne Coyne. No time to prepare questions. So I got to thinking, you know, the guy is always so insanely happy. Wouldn’t it be funny if I just tried to depress the shit out of him. So I tried. Did it work? Well… Read the rest of this article here.

It’s like Pierce Brosnan’s weddin’ all over again…

Sorry, I’ve been watching the Hardy Bucks on YouTube all day and laughing until the tears ran down my cheeks. I think this episode might be my favourite.


faith alive
Bit of a change of speed for this segment… This is a really interesting article from the New York Review of Books about Robert Wright’s The Evolution of God, which “purports to provide an account not only of the evolution of man’s view of God but, at least possibly, of God himself.”

Let’s just say, teenage boys will be teenage boys…

“You mean he’s…?”

“Every fucking night. As soon as the lights go out.” Read the rest of this article here.

GLORIA (1975)

Jesus died for somebody’s sins but not mine Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #22

I’m sure I wasn’t the first to misread that title…


Hip-hop and macho posturing have long been synonymous. But no one told Kilkenny’s MC Sniffy. He may not got swagga… but boy does he have grovel.


david copperfield2
Ilusionist David Copperfield will not be facing charges over allegations of sexual assault made against him. Yeah, I know… who gives a shit? But check out the hilariously sleazy image the Huffington Post used to illustrate their report (not the same image as above.) Egads, it really begs the question… How is this man not a rapist? I mean, look at him. That’s your case right there! Read the rest of this entry »


As previously mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Conan O’Brien and am, therefore, hugely disappointed to see that he’s been given the elbow after only seven months presenting The Tonight Show. Not to worry, he’ll be back. In the meantime, here he is at his best. Interviewing the world’s leading bread expert.