Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


To the person who slipped me this fake two euro coin…

fake two euro
You win this round, sir. Enjoy the two-and-a-small-bit packets of Tayto you’ve earned at my expense. That’s one half-of-a-pre-made-Spar-sandwich I’ll never see again etc. etc.

July 20th, 2010.

2 Responses to “To the person who slipped me this fake two euro coin…”

  1. Sir Says:

    Pffft tayto.. treated myself to a packet of chocolate Hob Nobs instead. Ate them all in one sitting with a big mug of milky tea.

    Look forward to round two, Mr. Butler. I have a 5 Euro note with your name on it, literally. Muahahaha!

  2. Eoin Says:

    Your first mistake, Sir, was using your real email address. Suffice to say, Working Girl a.k.a. Melanie Griffith, I expect to recover my losses with interest next time I see you for a pint.

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