Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Published: Irish Times, September 16 2009


ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, bingo equipment, choreographers, clairvoyants and detective agencies . . . If you need it, there’s a fair chance you’ll find it in the 2010 Golden Pages, which landed with a dull thud on doorsteps and in hallways around the capital early last month. Read the rest of this article here.

September 16th, 2009.

10 Responses to “WHO USES THE PHONE BOOK?”

  1. El Kid Says:

    Everything you wanted to know about the phonebook but were afraid to ask…

  2. stevethomas Says:

    Cover makes for decent roach material, although you probably couldn’t say that in the Irish Time.s

  3. JohnnyComeLately Says:

    You forgot about more brilliant use: [b]Strongman Party trick[ /b]

    1.Wrap phonebook in aluminum foil.
    2.’Cook’ the phonebook for 90 mins @ 70 degrees C. (Dont leave the house while doing this)
    3.Leave to cool.

    Now you’re ready to WOW.

    4.Hold the book with the spine on your lap.
    5.Place both palms on one side of the book with your fingers on the other.
    6.Pull your fingers up and push palms down so that pages edge is slanted down towards you and each page slightly overlaps the other.
    7.Start to tear 3 pages one at a time.
    Soon you’ll be ripping!

  4. Eoin Says:

    You lost me at the palms part… By any chance is there a YouTube video of this??

  5. JohnnyComeLately Says:

    @ Eoin – Hold it so the palms of your hands are on the book, with the back of your hands facing you.

  6. Mac Says:

    It’s here…

  7. JohnnyComeLately Says:

    @ Mac – 2 things wrong with that video.
    The cooking element is not even breifly discussed.
    And theres no need to use tape.

  8. JohnnyComeLately Says:

    @ Mac – 2 things wrong with that video.
    The cooking process is not even breifly discussed.
    And theres no need to use tape.

  9. Eoin Says:

    Wish I’d read the comments the whole way down. I got about two minutes into that stupid video before realising no oven, no aluminium foil.

    Did find out how to rip a phonebook in half though….

  10. Colin Says:

    I use them as a door stop, great for the sitting-room swing doors you find in a lot of apartments.

    “As I told the fireman, officer, I was cooking the books so I could look like a strong man to my friends at the AIB”.

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