Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Published: Evening Herald, March 2010

Break for the Border

Stephen Street, Dublin 2

break for the border
It’s Thursday night in Break for the Border, a sprawling open-plan bar on split levels. There are pool tables and waitresses in hot pants. Rock and roll blasting from the speakers. Yee-haw! Why the hell haven’t I been here before?

Aidan wants to play pool. I hate pool. He always beats me. We find a table. Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

zach gal
Zach Galifianakis’ describes his ‘look’ on Saturday Night Live last night: Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

WP_EH111928What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor? Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #30

unpretentious simplicity
Recent status update from someone I’m friends with on Facebook (who I sincerely hope doesn’t read this blog!) Well it gave me a good old chuckle anyway…

Don’t Explain (1944)

No, nay, never… freckle-boy

Andy and Conan
In the late 1990s Amy Poehler was a sketch regular on Late Night With Conan O’Brien, playing sidekick Andy Richter’s little sister Stacy. The genius of this bit was that it basically recycled the same routine over and over again, but somehow never stopped being funny. Read the rest of this entry »

Just Call Me Betty

Tell me if this is weird or not… A week on, Crystal Swing’s raunchy He Drinks Tequila is still playing on a constant rotation in my head. Stranger still, when I hum the song to myself, and it comes to the ‘And just call me baby’ line… for some reason I keep singing ‘And just call me Betty.’ Even though I know those aren’t the words. Read into that what you will, Mr Freud! Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #28

Okay, I got this from Mark Little’s Twitter feed. It came to his attention via multiple sources…

No wait, I’m pretty sure I can crawl my way out of this…

“She’s still seeing that guy with the Land Rover?” “Yup!” Read the rest of this article here.

Your Ma: A Critical Perspective

motherThere has been a tendency in recent times to recalibrate the matriarch by endowing her with glamour, sophistication or sex appeal. Unapologetically bucking this trend, however, is your Ma: a gormless, rotund but ultimately lovable woman, who makes a persuasive case that the best path forward for the Irish Mammy lies not in elegance or refinement, but in understatement and verisimilitude. Read the rest of this entry »