Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


A Six-Pack to Go (1960)

Los Ballyhaunis Galácticos [Updated]

Flying out to Madrid this afternoon. There’s intense speculation I’m being offered a multimillion euro contract to link up with Ronalda and Kaka at the Bernabéu. I can neither confirm nor deny these rumours. There may also be rumours that I’m actually going on a pretty tame weekend break with my mother. Again, I can neither confirm nor deny those rumours. (Sufficed to say, if its anything like our Roman jolly in October, well, I’m in for a rollercoaster ride. Of Mass.) Read the rest of this entry »

It’s something we’ve been talking about for ages…

bank robbery
A boyhood dream, I suppose you’d say. And now that we’re all on the dole, it’s really the ideal time to get cracking. Read the rest of this article here.

Saeta (1960)

Published: Irish Times, October 19 2009

90mph… Down a Dead End Street

bruce kelliher
ON A COLD, CRISP morning in the winter of 2000, 19-year-old Richard Gilligan stood on the banks of the Kenmare River, his feet muddy and camera poised. A hundred metres away, his friend Bruce Kelliher was nervously clutching his skateboard and swaying slightly in the breeze. It was just after daybreak, and Our Lady’s Bridge, outside Kenmare in Co Kerry, was deserted. Read the rest of this entry »

Creative Whiting

terry fishing`
Tabloid newspapers have a dubious habit of using speculative commentary by unnamed “sources” to pad out their stories. No matter where the celebrity transgression takes place, it seems, there will always be some Joe Public type on hand to weigh in on the controversy in suspiciously proficient tabloid-ese. Today’s News of the World story on John Terry (‘It looks fishy, but Toni’s fallen for JT whopper’) is a really hilarious case in point. Read the rest of this entry »

Christ, I’m having that dream again…


Late Night Wars contd.

RAG Episode Four from DCTV on Vimeo.

Just found out my sister has her own chat show. I swear to God, no one tells me anything. Read the rest of this entry »

What a douchebag! What a slimey line!

edwards hunter
It’s slightly counterintuitive, but as an interviewer, I’ve always found that the richer and more successful a person is, the less likely they are to be an arsehole. They’re at ease with themselves, I suppose, and therefore usually at ease with you. (Also they have PR people who can squelch you like a bug.)

On Thursday night, I spoke to Dave Matthews, of the Dave Matthews Band, who are playing the Point next month. They’re not an act I particularly care for, admittedly. But he was a pretty cool, self-aware guy and there was one question I really wanted to ask him. I didn’t broach it till the very end of the interview, in case he get offended or tell me to go fuck myself… Read the rest of this entry »

Earth to Zoolander! Earth to Zoolander!

The clean and the dirty
The lesson, I think, for those seeking to satirise that which is already beyond satireWhy bother?