Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

burt bachrach

Your unsolicited late night Elvis Costello double bill

There’s A Story In Your Voice
Both of these tracks are relatively obscure Costello collaborations; the first with Burt Bachrach from the Painted From Memory album (1998), the second with Lucinda Williams from The Delivery Man (2004.) They’re very different songs and, yet, they’re both (to borrow another Costello line) “either side of the same town.”

True Romance

Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. I’ve got a piece about something or other in the Irish Times on Saturday (I’ve almost succeeded in forgetting now). In the mean time though, here’s the most unashamedly romantic thing I’ve ever written, the most unabashedly unromantic thing I’ve ever written and the greatest love song ever recorded. Read the rest of this entry »