Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

dirty funk

Dirty Funk? It went that way, mate…

dirty funk
Just a year ago Steve Appleton stood on the brink of megastardom. DJs spun him. Whole clubs dug him. And entire musical genres melded in his wake. Twelve months later, The Appletizer is stuck in a (dirty) funk. His only scheduled performance of 2010 is an £8, over-14s show later this month at The Bush in Shepards Bush (which may, or may not, be the same place Del Boy sources Trevor Francis tracksuits.) So where did it all go wrong? Read the rest of this entry »


It’s been a busy summer for Steve Appleton. Since last I blogged about him, the heartthrob purveyor of acoustic/funk/pop/light-hearted drum n’ base/yeah has tried his hand at music criticism, been offered a part in the hit television series 24 and, praise Jesus, finally recorded the follow up to the epoch making monster hit (in my head at least) Dirty Funk.

Meanwhile, those posts I wrote about him four months ago have continued to notch up an insanely prolific 30-40 hits per day (with comments) here and here

Oh, and his drummer Oliver “Ollie” Kitson, who is possibly related to the Queen, has even been in touch for a bit of an auld chinwag. About which more after the jump… Read the rest of this entry »


steve-appleton1Last week I wrote about acoustic/funk/pop/light-hearted drum n’ base/yeah? wunderkind Steve Appleton, and noted the very real possibility that – if his debut single (released May 3rd) is a hit – the 19-year-old will become the most colossal knobjockey to crash the charts, if not since records began, then at least since Vanilla Ice in 1990.

Here my friend Mark offers this exclusive analysis of the Trilby-wearing troubadour, whom he denounces as “emblematically and transcendentally shit”. Read the rest of this entry »


Remember Max, the well-connected ‘gapper’ whose short-lived blog provoked such outpourings of bile on the Guardian’s website last year? Well imagine if young Max was back and was making music that was, like, a mixture of acoustic, funk, pop and light-hearted drum n’ base… Yeah? But it’s not a joke. Read the rest of this entry »