Eoin Butler
Published: Mongrel Magazine, September 2007My Rose of Tralee Experience
It’s always been a dream of mine to participate in the Rose of Tralee in some capacity. Obviously, growing up as a young lad, contestant was never an option. But I figured I might have a shot at usher, cloakroom attendant, something like that. You know yourself. Just to be part of the occasion. Fantastic event. One of a kind really. Fair play to the organizers at the end of the day. Even directing traffic outside the venue – dream come true. Fantastic. What an opportunity. Read the rest of this entry »
Wayne Coyne Battles the Bad Buzz Robots
Electric Picnic 2005. I had only a couple of minutes notice I’d be talking to Wayne Coyne. No time to prepare questions. So I got to thinking, you know, the guy is always so insanely happy. Wouldn’t it be funny if I just tried to depress the shit out of him. So I tried. Did it work? Well… Read the rest of this article here.
They’ve asked me to play Santa Claus… Well, it’s hardly a good sign, is it?
It’s Saturday night and Aidan is down in the dumps. I’m not sure what his problem is. But no doubt he’s going to fill me in. He’s not a man to bottle these things up, that’s for sure. “Would you say I’m getting fat?” he asks, eventually. Read the rest of this article here.
He’s no tourist
On a serious note, I’d like to extend best wishes to regular reader/commenter Dermot who is deploying to Afghanistan in a few days time. Best of luck, man. Although as a serving French soldier, you’re presumably under orders to surrender to the first troop of Girl Guides you encounter. Ba-dum-tish! Read the rest of this entry »
And finally…
Anne Marie Mularkey. The gorgeous Anne Marie… Jaysus, now you’re taking me back. Swanned into French one day like she was God’s gift. Threw her schoolbag on an empty table and plonked down on a chair. Anne Marie was tall and elegant, with the saddest brown eyes I’d ever seen. She had a face like a shovel, of course, but that only added to her allure. Girl blew that fringe out from her eyes and swung back in the chair. And, with that, I fell in love. Read the rest of this article here.
Wop-bop-a-loo-mop alop-bom-bom…
As many are aware, journalism is what I do to pay the bills. But my real passion is my art. That’s why I’m delighted to announce that an exhibition of my paintings, entitled Righteous Imposter, will take place in The Molesworth Gallery, Dublin 2 from November 11th to January 29th 2011 (closed December 23th -January 2nd.) I hope some of you will come along to support this extremely worthwhile event.
Carlos Tevez is depressed
Carlos Tevez is depressed. Kicking an inflated ball around a field every week. Scoring goals. Tracking back. Pretending like it all means a fucking thing. A grown man. A sentient human being. I get that. But I sit down at the television, Carlos. I punch the air when the ball goes in the net. I don’t know what the point is either. We’re all floundering here, mate. Just hang in there.
Fiddy or Gogarty?
A few people on one of the threads below (and on Twitter) were asking about table quiz questions from last night. Here (if this works) are the two visual rounds. Have a go at guessing if you like, the questions are at the end. The blurb missing from the Fiddy or Gogarty round reads: Read the rest of this entry »
Just a friendly reminder…
Actually, the quiz is fully booked out so if you haven’t already entered: tough shit. But if you have, it’s on tomorrow (Wednesday) night. If you haven’t, sure come along anyway and hang out with me. I’ll probably be bored.