Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

Eoin Butler

Dream a Little Dream of Me (1950)

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong duet on an old jazz standard. Honestly, I don’t know if I could love this record more. Armstrong was himself, of course, incredibly versatile. In 1970, he guested on what would have been at the time one of the definitive red-state shows, The Johnny Cash Show. But, perhaps surprisingly, his duet with Cash really isn’t all that bad.

The Spy Who Gave Broadsheet Editors The Horn

The Russian spy scandal presently unfolding raises a host of intriguing questions, not just about Moscow’s relationship with it’s former Cold War enemies, but also, given the timing of the arrests, about President Obama’s relationship with his own clandestine services. Unfortunately, I’m going to watch a football match now. So here’s a photograph of a hot girl. Thank you, broadsheet newspapers!

This is Funny

My friends tell me I can be a bit patronising. Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I Come Across #41

necessary partying
Next time the neighbours bang on your wall at 3am, try shouting “Sorry Mrs Murphy, but this is necessary partying!”

Published: The Dubliner, June 2010

In case anyone was worried I wasn’t using my break from blogging productively

It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. And I’m plonked on the couch in my boxer shorts eating Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and watching the World Cup. Watching football while everyone else is at work? Christ, it’s good to be alive. If someone had asked me when I was a kid, what kind of life I wanted when I grew up – I gotta tell you, I’d have settled for a lot less than this.

The postman sneaks his nose around the open door. There are a couple of bills for me. Who’s winning, he asks? Serbia, I say. Klose has just been sent off. Postman looks pissed off. Miroslav Klose, he asks? Yup. Shite, I have him on my Fantasy Football team. Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

mayo news
Feck sumo wrestling lesbians flirting with men dressed as snicker bars, THIS is the newspaper headline of the year. Note the tagline: Europe’s best designed newspaper. (With thanks to Ken Early.)

So France are out of the World Cup…

* Actually, I’m not really that bitter about November. If anything, it’d have been more entertaining if they could have remained in the competition. But I do love this picture. Ha, the only way I could like it more would be if I’d punched him in the face myself!

“Sure, he dresses like a hobo. But that only shows how secure he is in his own domesticity…”

“Why are you dressed like a tramp?” is a question regularly put to my friend Jarlath by girlfriends, doormen and prospective employers. It’s a legitimate inquiry, but one to which he can offer no satisfactory reply. You might as well ask why his hair looks stupid or his car smells so bad. It is as much a mystery to him as it is to anyone else. Read the rest of this entry »

Gimme a D! Gimme a P! Gimme an R! Gimme a K!

Fuck the rest of you, I’ve got my colours out and I’m nailing them to the mast of the world’s funkiest Stalinist basket case totalitarian dictatorship.


rte test card
Feck it…. Doing some quick arithmetic here and there’s just no way I can watch three World Cup games a day, do my job and blog all at the same time. So I’m gonna suspend this blog until after the World Cup. Believe me, I do not take this decision lightly. The idea of not giving up a couple of hours of my time unpaid, every evening, to write shite on here that all of you can come on and leave sarcastic comments about… Well, I’ll just have to live with it. Read the rest of this entry »