Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

evening herald

Creative Whiting

terry fishing`
Tabloid newspapers have a dubious habit of using speculative commentary by unnamed “sources” to pad out their stories. No matter where the celebrity transgression takes place, it seems, there will always be some Joe Public type on hand to weigh in on the controversy in suspiciously proficient tabloid-ese. Today’s News of the World story on John Terry (‘It looks fishy, but Toni’s fallen for JT whopper’) is a really hilarious case in point. Read the rest of this entry »

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #25

Looking back, it wasn’t too difficult to pinpoint the precise moment at which Mohammed and Ahmed first began to suspect their commanding officer had it in for them…

Of all the juice bars in all the world…

zumo fruit bar
“Barkeep. Hit me with a Blueberry Burst – and don’t spare the blueberry!” Read the rest of this article here.

M’eh… it’s okay, but it’s no Titanic


This is Funny

Doctor: You have a lettuce leaf growing out of your arse.

Patient: Jesus Christ. Is this serious? Read the rest of this entry »

King Charlies, Dame Street, Dublin 2

Just witnessed a rather wobbly Taoiseach Brian Cowen being escorted from this restaurant on Dame Street by two bouncers and his driver at approx. 1.15am tonight. Hopped into government Merc parked (I can only assume illegally) on the footpath a few yards down the street. Classy.

“Meanwhile, government ministers and members of the Health Service Executive were locked in crisis talks, and had to be rescued by the fire brigade…”


“I’m loving these numbers”

MRBI Poll: Magazine Posts Major Readership Gains

New figures published this week show this magazine’s circulation holding steady at 36,898, down slightly on 36,938 last quarter. But when seasonal and other miscellaneous factors are allowed for, that amounts to an impressive 5,924,094 readers per month – an exceptionally strong performance in a country of just over four million people. (The balance is thought to be made up by immigrants and undercover al-Qaida operatives entering this jurisdiction illegally in order to read the trendy magazine.) Read the rest of this entry »

Salinger Dead

I won’t attempt to eulogize the guy, but for the record (from this blog) here’s a funny letter he wrote to a fan, Maeve Binchy, Shay Healy and myself talking about him on the radio and that unfortunate run-in with my Auntie Geraldine.

Fuck your coloring book!

kanye west
I’ve said it before, but I don’t mind saying it again. I would do anything to be friends with Kanye West. The guy is (in the best way possible) completely and utterly insane… and he wants the whole world to know it.

If you haven’t seen it already, his latest all-caps, stream of consciousness online hissy fit (culminating in that surprise denunciation of colouring books) is really a hoot: Read the rest of this entry »