Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

irish times

“God bless you Jade. Hope Princess Di is taking care of you in heaven. You are my hero.”

You know the way gay people think everyone is gay? And stoned people think everyone is stoned? In the same sort of way way, I can’t help thinking the person who left this message was being really, really sarcastic.

Badass sentences I’d love to have appear in my obituary but am realistic enough to realize never will #347

From the obituary for Israeli spy chief David Kimche which appeared in the Sunday Times today… Read the rest of this entry »

Published: Irish Times, March 12 2011

“What was the highest grossing movie of last year? Jackass 3. Well, we weren’t trying to make Jackass 3…”

valerie plame
Ex-CIA agent, now the subject of a film starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.

Spies often tells us that the James Bond image is a myth, that intelligence gathering is a dull, unglamorous business. Your career doesn’t really bear out that theory though, does it?
Well, I always loved what I was doing. It was exciting to work undercover in foreign countries, using disguises and hi-tech gadgets. But I never spent much time at the craps table, let’s put it that way. I never owned too many sequined work dresses!

You joined the CIA straight out of college. What did your friends and family think you did for a living?
My cover varied, depending on what the circumstances called for. I usually posed as a businesswoman or a commercial traveller. I was lucky. When my identity was betrayed, my friends understood my reasons for deceiving them. The only thing they said – to my face at least – was, well, that explains a lot… Read the rest of this entry »

They say the guy has a metal plate in his head…

lightening storm
Now I don’t know if that’s true or not. But once, when we got caught out in a thunderstorm, I noticed him sprinting for the clubhouse in a manic, zigzag pattern – like a soldier dodging sniper fire… Read the rest of this article here.

Published: Evening Herald, March 2010

Break for the Border

Stephen Street, Dublin 2

break for the border
It’s Thursday night in Break for the Border, a sprawling open-plan bar on split levels. There are pool tables and waitresses in hot pants. Rock and roll blasting from the speakers. Yee-haw! Why the hell haven’t I been here before?

Aidan wants to play pool. I hate pool. He always beats me. We find a table. Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

zach gal
Zach Galifianakis’ describes his ‘look’ on Saturday Night Live last night: Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

WP_EH111928What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor? Read the rest of this entry »

Hats off to TV’s Carol Smillie!

carol smillie
Whatever life has thrown at her she has always taken it with a smile. Let’s hope she finds happiness with new love Marcus… Read the rest of this article here.

Miscellaneous Amusing Items I’ve Come Across #30

unpretentious simplicity
Recent status update from someone I’m friends with on Facebook (who I sincerely hope doesn’t read this blog!) Well it gave me a good old chuckle anyway…

I’m a bit surprised to be referred to as “you people”… Isn’t that rather condescending?

mat fraser - CopyRead the rest of this article here.