Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Published: The Dubliner, 15 April 2010

“My personal preference would have been for a campaign of violent retribution, loosely modelled on the plot of the motion picture Rambo: First Blood

rambo first blood
I have a beef with Dublin Street Parking Services. Actually, I have several beefs. For starters, what array of “services” do these assholes actually provide? I mean, have you ever tried flagging them down, explaining that parallel parking isn’t exactly your forte and asking them to do the honours?

No, DSPS are clampers. That’s the only “service” they provide. Read the rest of this entry »

Published: The Dubliner, 15 April 2010

“My personal preference would have been for a campaign of violent retribution, loosely modelled on the plot of the motion picture Rambo: First Blood

rambo first blood
I have a beef with Dublin Street Parking Services. Actually, I have several beefs. For starters, what array of “services” do these quasi-paramilitary zealots actually provide? I mean, have you ever tried flagging them down, explaining that parallel parking isn’t exactly your forte and asking them to do the honours?

No, DSPS are clampers. That’s the only “service” they provide. Read the rest of this entry »


kim-jong-il “North Korea has stepped up its threats to deploy nuclear weapons to defend itself as the families of two US journalists sentenced to 12 years’ hard labour called on Pyongyang to show compassion…” reports the Irish Times this morning. The unthinkable horrors of life in the Hermit Kingdom has been preying on my mind lately. So much so, that I’m planning a visit there later this year. Read the rest of this entry »